The outcome of the intentional destruction of the familly and removal of the man from the home be this!  Most kids are, “Educated” or more fitting, Dumbed down, indoctrinated, brainwashed and emasculated from beginning to end of the school experience.  Boys are taught how to be men from K through 12 mostly by women.  Boys are raised mostly by women in the homes due to the father being removed from the home.  To make matters worse, the boy is sometimes raised by 2 lesbian women in God hating America!  Boys to men often continue their emasculated growth experience by going to college where they continue to be shaped, emasculated and brainwashed by many communist female professors and male professors that behave like women!  Boys to men that demonstrate emotional difficulties from a young life time of not being shaped and taught how to be men from, Real Men, Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles and so on are usually referred to some, “Green haired lesbian counselor that continues to tell them how to be men!”  The intentional destruction of men has been fabulously accomplished by Communist College Professors and an army of Marxist women hell bent on the distruction of America & witchcraft and mass brainwashing in every home!  Additionally, our emasculated Church Pastors have prepared us and equipped us for nothing other than Sunday morning concerts, and our pastors often time behave like women themselves!  Make no mistake.  This is not just an American problem, this is an almost every country on Earth problem to achieve a New World Order, One World Religion, 15 minute cities, Agenda 2030 and, “God hating, unified world without borders!”

As for Little Mary.  The intentional destruction of the family and removal of the man from the home destroyed her first!  Going back a few generations, the sexual liberation of females, being told, “Go screw every man and woman you see” and no limits on anything destroyed the American family.  The destruction of men followed.  “As the woman goes, so goes the man.”  Little Mary has been left with no father to raise her and with no masculine guidance and protection from the world.  Green haired lesbian counselors and teachers that were butt naked on every college spring break and behaved however they wanted on every college campus America telling her to do, “What’s not Moral!”

As a result, we have kids behaving in ways never before seen in human history!  Kids roving in packs of dozes to hundreds attacking & sometimes killing people!  Kids encouraged to get genitals chopped off by a massive money making medical industrial complex, doctors that should go to jail and those in the psychological world that should also be legally held accountable for pushing psych diagnosis with no scientific backing!  Those in the pscychological world love calling themselves, “Professionals.”   The inflated egos of those holding college degrees that were passed out like water is remarkable!

It not only, “Takes Men to Raise Boys!”  It takes men to lead the family and keep little Mary off the stripper pole!  I say, “How Do You Destroy a Nation?  You Destroy it’s Men!”

Bobby Lee